Hurricane Helene

Relief Fund Initiatives 


We have launched two initiatives to help our community recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene.

  • First, in addition to seeking donated cars, we are also raising funds to purchase dependable used cars to replace vehicles that community members lost in the flood.
  • Second, we are providing free repairs for vehicles being used by local organizations for relief and recovery efforts. Keeping these vehicles on the road will ensure that vital support reaches those in need.

To apply for a replacement car, please fill out this application.   (Espanol)

To apply for a relief vehicle repair, please fill out this application.

Please consider making a donation by filling out the form below. Together, we can help the flood victims put their lives back together and help Western North Carolina recover.

To learn more about the storm’s devastating effect on the region, watch this 60 Minutes segment on the disaster and local recovery efforts.

Thank you!



Your generous donation to Working Wheels provides safe and reliable transportation for working families affected by the hurricane in Western North Carolina. Thank you!

Prefer to mail a check? Our mailing address is:
Working Wheels
76 Weaverville Road
Asheville, NC 28804